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Facharbeit Anglistik: Die Amischen
Als Nation der Einwanderer deklariert, sind die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ein Schmelztiegel der Kulturen. Im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten haben sich während der letzten Jahrhunderte die verschiedensten Kulturkreise zu einem Volk vereint, das jetzt von den unterschiedlichsten Lebensweisen geprägt ist. Seit Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts haben ca. 47 Millionen Europäer eine neue Heimat in der „Neuen Welt“ gefunden. Sie alle wurden der Theorie ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: How to lie with Statistics (eng.)
short Summary...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Back to God
On a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea Lily Briscoe has gathered together some people from all over the world for dinner to share their experience and visions with her. Except her, three other men and one woman sit on the table. On the left side we find the Whiskey priest and a father. Marlow and Miss Adela Quested take the right side. Lily herself sits at the top of the dinner table. The atmosphere ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was one of the most read female authors of her lifetime. Nevertheless, her pieces caused highly controversal debates among those who were not yet ready to put the women’s traditional role into question. Constantly suffering from the stigma of being born as supposed ‘secondary creature’ Gilman dedicated her life to the ‘woman question’, which in these times belonged to the burning topics to both feminists and antifeminists (the latter, of course, were in the majority). Even though, real emancipation was still in its infancy. While virtues of monogamy and family were...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Lily Briscoes Life A Dedication to Mrs Ramsay
A lot of essays on Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse have already dealt with the relationship between Lily Briscoe and Mrs. Ramsay. These two characters generally control the novel’s action. But what is it that makes this human relation so special, so remarkable? This essay is in particular concerned with Lily’s point of view. She achieves Mrs. Ramsay’s - at least mental ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Jack Kerouac: On the Road - Structure and Style (eng.)
In this quotation by Allan Ginsberg the attitude of the critics on the beat generation comes to the surface. The new style of writing, especially Kerouacs’ essentials of spontaneous prose was not accepted as a true art of writing. But what is this style of writing? Which elements does it consist of, and what makes it so controversial for the critics? These and more questions have to be answered in the following...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Elative: Versuch einer Definition unter Berücksichtigung historisch gewachsener Ausdrucksweisen und des Bezuges zur Gegenwart
Der Held in Patrick Süskinds Roman „Das Parfüm“, mit den bekannten menschlichen Sinnesqualitäten ausgestattet , beweist, bei der Geschmacks- bzw. Geruchswahrnehmung fast übermenschliche Fähigkeiten. Die Elative lassen sich bezogen auf den menschlichen Ausdruckswillen in ihrer Treffsicherheit mit der geruchlichen Selektionsfähigkeit des ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Time Travel as a Motif of Science Literature
Everyone of us can travel in time. When we visit exhibitions, we can feel as if we have been put back in former times.When we travel to different places and enter different time zones, we travel backward or forward a few hours. The countries that we visit are not only different in their culture, but also in their state of development. We might feel as if we have travelled into the past or into the future. Paul Alkon gives a suitable example of this phenomenon:...Hausarbeit Anglistik: American History X (eng.)
“American History X” is a profound and stirring drama about the consequences of racism as a family is torn apart by hate. A graphic examination of extremism in America, the film follows one man’s struggle to reform himself and save his brother after living a life consumer by violence and bigotry. Written by David McKenna and directed by Tony Kaye, American History X is produced by John Morrissey and not based on a book ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Authorities in Question Unusual Narrators in Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (eng.)
There is no doubt that Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most influential American writers of the 19th century. His impact can be measured by tracing the literary influence he had on succeeding generations of writers as well as by regarding the responses to his work. Whether plots and topics, characters or narrative structures are concerned, it was Poe who put up high standards for each of them...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Betrachtung der Darstellung des Unheimlichen bzw. Phantastischen bei H. P. Lovecraft anhand seiner beiden Kurzgeschichten The Alchemist und The Tomb
Zu seinen Lebzeiten war das schriftstellerische Werk H. P. Lovecrafts wohl nur einem kleinen Kreis von Personen bekannt, der sich hauptsächlich aus seinen Freunden und den Lesern der amerikanischen Zeitschrift Weird Tales zusammensetzte. Erst nach seinem Tode wurde er von einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit wiederentdeckt und wird nun - neben Edgar Allen Poe und Ambrose Bierce - als einer der...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Betty Friedan und Simone de Beauvoir A Missing Link
Das Fehlen von Simone de Beauvoirs Namen in Betty Friedans bahnbrechender feministischer Kritik ‘The Feminine Mystique’ ist augenfällig. Mit keinem Bezug wird das Vermächtnis ihrer geistigen Vorgängerin erwähnt. Vielmehr konstatiert sie sogar in einem Abschlußkapitel zur Selbstverwirklichung der Frau: „Die neuen Theoretiker des Ich sind Männer und daher der Frage der Selbstverwirklichung für Frauen gewöhnlich ausgewichen.“ - geradezu eine Anmaßung angesichts der Tatsache, daß mit de Bauvoirs `Le Deuxième Sex’ (dt: ‘Das andere Geschlecht’) bereits 1949 wohl die umfassendste Abhandlung zur Problematik weiblicher Identität veröffentlicht wurde. Das Werk erschien vier Jahre später auch in einer englischen, leicht gekürzten Fassung...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Black Humour eng.
"It is called Black Humour and I think I would have more luck defining an elbow or a corned-beef sandwich. I am not, for one thing, even sure it is black. It might be fuchsia or eggshell and now that I look at the table of contents I think some of it is in brown polka dots..." (Bruce Jay Friedman)...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Change through Exchange The Effects of Student Exchange on Students Attitudes eng.
The fifty years since World War II could well be named the Period of International Exchange. Exchange programs of all kinds have sprung up in every part of the world and between all parts of the world. Teenagers from France go to school in Brazil, American college juniors spend a year in Italy, and British professors lecture in Japan. The programs are not limited to ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Characteristics of the Chinese culture (eng.)
Referring to the most important cultural dimensions, this essay tries to give an overview of some basic characteristics of the Chinese culture. In the first section, the extension of the most important cultural dimensions in China and their effect on cross-cultural business will be analyzed. The second section will summarize the result of this analysis and will give a brief conclusion. It must be noted that when one deals with Chinese culture it is most probably with the Han culture, the dominant ethnic group in China. 93 percent of the Chinese...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Cockney
Cockney ist von der Anzahl seiner Sprecher her und aufgrund der Bedeutung seines Verbreitungsgebietes, der Hauptstadt, nicht nur der bedeutendste Dialekt in England, er ist auch im Land selbst und über seine Grenzen hinaus der bekannteste Dialekt. Cockney ist eine Varietät des heutigen Englisch..Hausarbeit Anglistik: Computer Humor - A classification (eng.)
In this paper I will give an overview of the different kinds of jokes in the field of computer. The theory I rely on most is Norrick’s Frame Bisociation Theory (1986) and for this reason the second section is dedicated to a short summary of Norrick’s theory. In the third section I will define the term “computer humor” and will briefly deal with the history and development of “computer humor.” In the fourth section I will classify the different kinds of computer jokes. To do so, I will use Norrick’s (1986) terminology as well as some of Hockett’s terms. In the fifth and final section I will present a summary of my paper...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Concepts of woman in Shakespeare`s sonnets The Dark Lady (eng.)
When I first heard of the Dark Lady in one of our lessons, I was directly interested in this subject since Shakespeare made fun of various Petrarchan clichés we had talked about before. As I personally also think that the image of woman conveyed in Petrarchan sonnets is completely exaggerated, I want to describe the Dark Lady introduced in Shakespeare’s sonnets 126 to 1521 because she seems to be much more natural...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Contemporary Britain
In 1776, when Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, the separation of Great Britain and The United States became final. Since then, the two nations have undergone developments that took them into different directions. Yet, they still share some common features today. They basically speak the same language, in each country, two major parties compete for political leadership, and their art, entertainment, and lifestyle are exported to and emulated by continental Europe and other nations, to name only a few examples. But the two also share a bleak chapter in their history. Both of them have colonised parts of Africa and the West Indies and enslaved the countries' black inhabitants. At different times in history and under different circumstances, these slaves have come to the United States and Great Britain. Today, their descendants make up 12.1 per cent of the American population and 1.6 per cent of the population of Great Britain. In this paper I want to examine the present social situation of the black minority in Great Britain and the United States and their place in society. Due to the limitation in scope I have to obey, I will concentrate on the subjects of education and crime...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Darwinism at the Heart of Naturalism and its influence on Jack London (eng.)
There are three major vexations of mankind: Copernicus showed that the Earth is not the center of the universe; Freud discovered the subconscious and its major influence on the rational self; and Darwin found out that human beings are descended from apes. Each of these thinkers changed the very way to view the world. The impact on the centuries to follow was enormous. But what can be said about the period they lived in? It is true that their influence was so overpowering that it spread from the field they worked in to almost any other...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Das altenglische Sturmrätzel des Exeterbuches
Die Frage, die sich bei einer Beschäftigung mit den vorliegenden 104 Zeilen altenglischer Rätselliteratur stellt und die von Herausgebern zahlreicher Bücher über das Exeterbuch jeweils unterschiedlich beantwortet wurde ist, ob es sich um drei eigenständige Rätsel oder um ein zusammenhängendes Rätsel handelt. Die meisten Herausgeber, darunter auch Frederick Tupper, gingen davon aus, daß es sich hier um drei Rätsel handeln muß. Sie machten folgende Unterteilung: Das erste riddle von Zeile 1-15, das zweite von Zeile 16–30 und schließlich das dritte von Zeile 31-104. Als Lösungen für diese drei Abschnitte gaben die Autoren verschiedene Erscheinungsformen eines Sturmes an. Dietrich sieht ein Hauptthema – den Sturm – mit Unterthemen als Lösung der drei Rätsel...Hausarbeit Anglistik: „In Me Didst Thou Exist“ Das Doppelgängermotiv in Poes William Wilson im literaturgeschichtlichen Kontext
An Poe scheiden sich die Geister. Während Mark Twain Poes Werk als „unreadable“ bezeichnete, türmt sich die positive Kritik an seinem literarischen Schaffen so hoch auf wie die Cheopspyramide. Ebenso sind die Meinungen zu seiner 1839 veröffentlichten Kurzgeschichte William Wilson sehr unterschiedlichen Charakters: Sie reichen von den abwertenden Behauptungen, William Wilson sei nichts weiter als die Erzählung einer Person, die ihre Seele getötet habe über die Annahme, es handle sich um eine stark schematisierte, primitive und melodramatische Allegorie, zu den Lobeshymnen, ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Das Doppelgängermotiv in Poes William Wilson In Me Didst Thou Exist
Zentrales Anliegen dieser Arbeit ist die Analyse des Doppelgängermotivs in William Wilson. Zur Interpretation ziehe ich mehrere verschiedene Ansätze heran, die zur eingehenden Beleuchtung des Doppelgängermotivs beitragen, aber wahrscheinlich nicht zur dessen endgültigen Klärung führen können. Durch diese Vorgehensweise soll es ermöglich werden, die verschiedenen Ebenen der Kurzgeschichte, ihr „Labyrinth von Gängen“ (118)2 aus mehreren Perspektiven zu betrachten. In einem ersten Schritt versuche ich die Bedeutung des Doppelgängermotivs für die Literatur, dessen Grundlagen und Zusammenhänge zu skizzieren; einem Motiv,...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Das mentale Lexikon bilingualer Kinder
Der Mensch ist wahrscheinlich das einzige Lebewesen, das sich durch das Medium der Sprache seinen Artgenossen mitteilen kann. Die Sprache ist ein System unterschiedlicher Laute, die sich nach bestimmten mehr oder weniger komplizierten Regeln...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Eusebius - Pamphili of Caesera (eng.)
Eusebius Pamphili of Caeserea (hereafter referred to simply as “Eusebius”) was born around 264 A.D and died c. 339. In order to be able to fully appreciate the flow of Eusebius’ life, I would first like to give some general background information on the development of the Roman empire during Eusebius’ lifetime. Eusebius’ life coincides with the reigns of the two great emperors Diocletian (245-316, r. 285-305) and Constantine (280?-337, r. 324-337). The most important event during the reign of Diocletian was the Christian persecution that he started in the year 303. After Diocletian abdicated in 305, a power struggle ensued, which was resolved for the Western part of the Roman Empire by the victory of Constantine over Maxentius in 312. Together with the ruler of the Eastern part of the empire, Licinius, Constantine issued an Edict of Tolerance of Christianity in 311, and two years later established complete freedom of religion, so that the Christian persecutions finally ended after ten years. In 324, Constantine eventually defeated Licinius and so managed to unify the Roman Empire. As Constantine also converted to Christianity, one can speak of the following decades as “the age of church unification under Constantine.”...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Eudora Welty Circe
Die Kurzgeschichte „Circe“ von Eudora Welty erschien erstmals im Herbst 1949 unter dem Titel „Put Me in the Sky“. 1955 erschien sie dann leicht verändert in der Sammlung „The Bride of the Innisfallen“ als „Circe“. (Pingatore: 1996: 368) Die eigentliche Grundlage der Kurzgeschichte ist unverkennbar Homers „Odyssee“. Eudora Welty stellt die Geschichte aus der Sicht ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Features of bilingual speech Interderence Borrowing Code switching (eng.)
Characteristics of bilingual speech have been of special interest for some decades now: Researchers hope to discover how language processing actually takes place, how bilinguals mentally organize their languages, and in which manner the two codes interact. In the early 1960s, behaviourists and linguists established...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Female characters in Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist eng.
This essay deals with female characters in Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist. It will be looked at Nancy and Rose Maylie who are the two main female characters in this novel. They are very different characters who indeed lead completely different lives. This essay will argue the following thesis:...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Female portraits in Australian short stories (eng.)
Since the beginning of our century, Australian short story writers have extrapolated a broad spectrum of social topics. Significantly, most of them depict the fate of ‘outsiders’ like children, females and foreigners. In the centre of my interest stands the question in what specific way they have fictionalized women’s role. Do they perpetuate rather stereotypical views on the members of the ‘other sex’ or do they prefer to portray them as human individuals by drawing away the reader’s attention from alleged ‘womanish’ attributes?...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Figurenanalyse des Billy Pilgrims in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five vor dem Hintergrund des französischen Existenzialismus
Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five, vom Autor selbst höchst kritisch als mißlungener literarischer Versuch bezeichnet - “since it was written by a pillar of salt” (16)1 - darf bis heute als einer der bedeutendsten Anti-Kriegsromane gelten. Zentral für eine solche Einstufung des Werks ist sicherlich die Konzeption des Protagonisten. Wie schwierig das Phänomen Billy Pilgrim sich jedoch greifen läßt, zeigen die mannigfachen Interpretationen dieser Figur: seine Auslegung als Kriegsgeschädigter, Anti-Held, ‘Jedermann’, Schizophrener und moderne Christusfigur stehen sich in Häufigkeit nicht nach...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Films in the Language Classroom (eng.)
One essential aspect that made me select Jean-Jacques Annaud’s The name of the Rose - the film version of Umberto Eco’s novel of the same name - are surely its various topics and possibillities that can be exploited by using it as...Hausarbeit Anglistik: "Fowels' conception of femininities in 'The French Lieutenant's Woman' "
The novel "The French Lieutenant's Woman" was written in 1969, at a time of significant changes in literature. The post- modern novel, where traditional literary features, such as established narrative techniques, reference to reality, etc. which had to give way to completely new ways of expression, came into being. As there were general doubts about the ability of language to mirror the subjective inner as well as objective outer world, the novels very much reflected on inwardly. That tendency led to the development of a new genre, the meta- fictional novel whose central theme was writing fiction about fiction in order to declare itself as an illusion and to expose the techniques of creating that illusion...Hausarbeit Anglistik: From Westminster to Holyrood. The New Scottish Parliament (eng.)
In the winter term 1997/98 I attended a seminar held by Frau Rosenberg PhD with the title "The crisis of British identity". It was then when I started to investigate the variations of identities that exist in the United Kingdom. From the very beginning I felt attracted to the strong Scottish identity and became very interested in the process of devolution. The course...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The influence of British imperialism and racism on relationships to Indians in E. M. Forster’s “A Passage to India” and how this topic is presented in the film by David Lean
This paper deals with E. M. Forster’s novel “A Passage to India” and with its filming by David Lean. I am examining imperialism and racism as topics in the story. I would like to show in which ways these two terms influence the major characters and relationships between these characters in Forster’s work. The analysis will mainly refer to the contents of the film. I am starting with a little background information about Forster, theoretical definitions and some historical aspects. The main part of the paper deals with the ‘bad’- and ‘good’-working relationships. I will focus on filmic devices as well as on contents...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Interpretation von John Wain A visit at Tea-time David Campton
This short story was first published in 1966. The title „A visit at teatime“ suggests some friends chatting in the afternoon while having tea. These harmonic and pleasant expectations of the title are not at all fulfilled in the short story which is full of conflicts and disharmony. Therefore, the title seems ironic after one has read the short story...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Italo Svevos La Coscienza di Zeno
Die Frage nach der Rolle der Psychoanalyse und damit auch nach der Rolle der Krankheit in Italo Svevos 1923 erschienenem Roman La Coscienza di Zeno ist unzählige Male gestellt, auf die eine oder andere Weise beantwortet und erneut gestellt worden. Unbestritten ist, daß der Roman...Hausarbeit Anglistik: John Keats Ode on a Grecian Urn - Eine Analyse
Im folgenden werde ich die „Ode on a Grecian Urn“ genau untersuchen und versuchen, auf die Bezüge zu Keats Dichtungestheorie hinzuweisen. Die „Ode on a Grecian Urn“ wird von vielen Kritikern neben der später entstandenen „To Autumn“ als am besten gelungene angesehen...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Lady MacBeth a Fiend like Queen (eng.)
The figure of Lady Macbeth has always been of great interest, and each of the numerous interpretations cast light on her from a different point of view. She is often dismissed as a “fiend-like queen“, regarded as Macbeth’s temptress and spur to his crimes: Being obsessed by her ambition, she urges...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Landscape and Physical Surroundings in William Golding’s Novel Pincher Martin
William Golding’s novel Pincher Martin centres around a man named Christo-pher Martin who is thrown off a torpedoed ship in the Atlantic. Through most of the novel’s pages the reader seems to watch this man struggling to survive on a rock in the North Atlantic Ocean. To somebody first reading the novel, it appears to record the desperate fight for survival. The author describes the protagonist’s experience so clearly that the reader can imagine physical details and every minor decision of the struggling man...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Language oriented ord message oriented which approch is useful in Englich teaching (eng.)
English as a world language plays a big part in our every day life. Due to new professions which are developing in a very short time these days and due to the trade relations with countries in East and West, the ability to speak foreign languages, especially English has become a basic skill. It is not only the field of trade relations or economy...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Lexical Phonology eng.
In this paper I will discuss interdependencies between morphology and phonology within the framework of Lexical Phonology. Since Lexical Phonology is not a homogeneous theory and has undergone several modifications in the past, it will be necessary to start with an outline of the concept. Topics to be considered at this stage are: On which theoretical background is Lexical Phonology (henceforth LP) based? Which are its basic characteristics? Which of them are commonly accepted by scholars and which are subject to critical debate?...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Liebe Ehe Beziehungen in ausgewählten Werken Oscar Wildes
"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" (S.554)1 - dieser Aphorismus Lord Gorings scheint programmatisch für den Komplex Liebe, Ehe, Begehren und Beziehungen im Werke Oscar Wildes, zeigt sich doch an vielen Stellen, dass das Ideal der romantischen Liebe bei den Protagonisten Wildes zu einer Suche nach dem eigenen strategischen Vorteil verkommen ist und dass es primär die egoistische Liebe zum eigenen Selbst ist, die das Verhalten der Akteure prägt. Reduktion des Lebens auf ein kurzzeitiges Erlebnis, die Sicherung des eigenen Vorteils, narzisstische Eigenliebe und bedingungslose Genusssucht bestimmen häufig die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen in den vier Gesellschaftskomödien, in der Tragödie Salomé und in Wildes einzigem Roman The Picture of Dorian Gray...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Male and Female Ways of Engaging in Dialogue in Much Ado About Nothing eng.
In Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare portrays a common society in which a common role model of male and female ways of behaviour exists, and contrasts it with a deviant role model. It is Beatrice and Benedick who "misbehave". Beatrice's behaviour and Benedick's reactions are odd because they constantly work against society's decorum. Shakespeare portrayed the common and the deviant behaviour in a way which is reflected in the characters' engaging in dialogue. Men and women engage in dialogue differently and this can be seen in the composition of the staged dialogues as well as in the stage directions, which indicate body language...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Metaphor of the self (eng.)
The general structure of our metaphoric system for our inner lives was first uncovered by Andrew Lakoff and Miles Becker in 1992. They showed that our system is based on a fundamental distinction between what the called “the Subject” and one or more “Selves”. The Subject is the locus of consciousness, reason, will and our essence – everything that makes us who we uniquely are. There is at least one Self and possibly more. The Selves consist of everything else about us – our bodies, our social roles, our histories and so on. What is philosophically important about this study is that there is not one Subject-Self distinction, but many. They are all metaphorical and cannot be reduced to any consistent literal conception. These metaphors appear to be unavoidable, to arise naturally from common experiences...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Motherhood in Frances Hodgson Burnetts the Secret Garden (eng.)
My main focus will be on the different concepts of motherhood that are applied by Burnett. These are, of course, related closely to concepts of childhood and accepted social and moral values at the time of publishing The Secret Garden in 1911 during the reign of King Edward VII. But to apply only the characteristics and values of this epoch to the book would be to short-sighted since Burnett was not only British-born but also spent a large part of her life in the US and came to be called a "truly transatlantic novelist" since she brings two traditions together, the American tradition of domestic drama and the fairy-tale...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Movement against Official English
When it comes to the question of languages in the U.S. one hears a lot about Official English, English Only Legislation and U.S. English - the main sponsor of this movement. Hearing and reading about that I thought that there has to be the other side of the coin, that there has to be a movement against Official English , a movement defending language maintanence. That is going to be the topic of this paper. For a special interest in the Spanish language I will focus on the Hispanic fight...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Organizational Development
The need for organisations to change is far more clearly recognised now than a few years ago when the question “Why change?” was paramount. Few people nowadays would argue with the premiss “change or die” (Clarke, 1994, Page 1). In the century of globalisation competition is getting harder. Organisations have to adapt otherwise the former premiss is prove to be true. But are organisations able to change themselves? No, they need help from people inside or outside the organisation who force the change. These people are called change agents. The question is whether change agents have to come from outside the organisation or not. “Moving organisations from current ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Race Relations in "Slave on the Block"
Der Mensch ist wahrscheinlich das einzige Lebewesen, das sich durch das Medium der Sprache seinen Artgenossen mitteilen kann. Die Sprache ist ein System unterschiedlicher Laute, die sich nach bestimmten mehr oder weniger komplizierten Regeln...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Shakespeare als übersetztes Phänomen
Liest man in Deutschland etwas von Shakespeare, jenem englischen Literaten, der die deutsche Literatur seit mehreren Jahrhunderten beschäftigt, greift man auf eine der vielen Übersetzungen zurück. Bei weit über 50 liegt die Zahl derer, die sich bereits an einem oder mehreren seiner Werke versucht haben, mit mehr oder weniger Erfolg. Unter ihnen waren Goethe und Schiller, Erich Fried, Fachleute, Laien und Lyriker. Besonders skurril mutet aber der Gedanke an Karl Kraus als Übersetzer Shakespeares...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Shakespeare and the Master Mistress An Analysis and Interpretation of Sonnet 20 eng.
The homoeroticism expressed in Shakespeare´s sonnets has been hotly discussed for over 200 years. Shakespeare, British national hero, god of drama, father of eight children, symbol of "high culture" - a homosexual? Sonnet 20 plays a central...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Small Town Life and the Place of Women in Willa Muirs Novel Imagined Corners eng.
This essay will have in its centre the examination of one of her novels, namely Imagined Corners, published in 1931. It is a novel which portrays small town life in Scotland and its effects on the inhabitants. Special attention will be paid to a characterisation of the setting Calderwick as well as to the place women have in the Presbyterian community. As far as possible, the role of men will be neglected. To explore this point fully would take too far afield from the examination...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Telling rights in storytelling and conversation eng.
Storytelling in conversation is not yet a deeply situated topic in the field of linguistics. Conversational analysis itself is still a very young discipline in linguistics. In this paper I want to take a close look at an even less investigated part of the storytelling in conversation, namely the telling rights...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The Acquisition of the english verb
Learning the correct markings for tenses, finding out about the different uses of modal auxiliaries and detecting ambiguities… Just a few difficulties a child has to overcome in order to produce correct adult English. And that makes it such an interesting topic...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The Expression of sexuality in George Eliots Novels eng.
I will try to present a brief survey of the Victorian sexual morality which shall serve as the staring point of the following examination. It will reveal the clashes and the parallels of the perception of sexuality by society and by George Eliot. The reader should note that in chapter one it is not the author George Eliot that is at the centre of my interest. It is rather the woman behind the pen name, for I consider the private person Mary Ann Evans and the persona who speaks in the novels as two separate beings. My thesis is that both deal with sexuality in different ways...Hausarbeit Anglistik: THE EXPRESSION OF SEXUALITY IN GEORGE ELIOT’S NOVELS
„There was once a society that is still held above all others to be the paradigm of sexual hypocrisy”1 – these are the words which mark the beginning of a detailed examination about love and sexuality in the Victorian period. In another examination, George Eliot’s creative output of those days is described as follows: “George Eliot’s work represents a (...) protest against the conventional erotic paradigm”...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The Family as Cultural Institution in the US
From the brink of the colonial period in the late 1600’s to the present date, major changes on both macro and micro levels have dramatically changed the structure and standard of the American family life to the point of giving it a new definition from what it was centuries ago. In a time where change prevails and is expected, the American family has kept up with the growth of a newborn nation, and trends in social and global issues...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The French influence on the English vocabulary eng.
This essay deals with the French influence on the English language which began in the 11th century and to a certain extent continued into modern times. However, the main focus will be on the first 500 years. The first part will have to do with the Norman Conquest an its social and linguistic consequences. The second part treats the loss of Normandy and the social and linguistic developments following it. In the last part the French linguistic influence on the English language will be analysed in more detail. This part will concentrate on vocabulary as it was here that French exerted its main influence...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The functions of Janie`s Husbands in Zora Hurston`s Their Eyes were watching God
...In the following I would like to find out to what extent the different relationships between Janie and her three successive husbands correspond to this powerful metaphor and in how far these men exert an influence on the personal development of the protagonist. In this respect it is essential both to examine their psychological characteristics and to have a closer look on their social functions within the African-American community...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The Historical Background to and its Employment in Carly Philips "Crossing the River"
The word “diaspora” is composed by the Greek “dia”, meaning “through”, and “speirō”, meaning “to scatter” (Cashmore 1994: 83). It can refer to any group of people forced into emmigration and forced into finding a new home for themselves – the Jewish diaspora is an example for that, the African diaspora is another one, one which also represents the central topic in Caryl Phillips´ fifth novel “Crossing the River”...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The Hunted keeps on Hunting
Consors advertisements can be seen everywhere at the moment. In many papers and magazines you find two famous Germans checking their portfolios via laptops whereever they are. The biggest ad campain of a discount broker ever is a huge success. Although it has Uli Hoeneß in it, who is probably the biggest bogeyman Germany has to offer at the moment, the campain has made having an account at consors not only intesting but stylish...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The Meaning of the Duke in Shakespeares Measure for Measure (eng.)
These quotations highlight the gulf between critics concerned with the Duke. The figure of Duke Vincentio, favourably seen as "a man of all temperance" by Escalus, apparently provokes extreme reactions: some critics tend to regard him as the initiator ...Hausarbeit Anglistik: The very diablerie of woman in Henry Rider Haggard's She eng.
I have borrowed the words for the title of my essay from this man. Hence a precise analysis of the perspective which he has on the story he tells and the women he writes about seems crucial in order to gain an understanding of the presentations of the feminine in Haggard’s text. Before I can attempt to answer Lilia’s question ”what kinds of tales did men tell men [...] by themselves,” which is, of course, the secret to be discovered, I shall therefore take a look at the different men who appear in the text and, of course, at their relation to women...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Tragi comedy in Sean O`Casey`s Juno and the Paycock
The following essay deals with Sean O'Casey’s drama Juno and the Paycock which was first put on stage in the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in March 1924. The focus will be on the tragi-comic aspects of the play. Therefore, as Juno and the Paycock is a very complex and multi-layered drama, a number of crucial aspects will have to be left out as e.g. the representation of gender, intertextuality or ideology...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Utopia and Francis Bacon The New Atlantis (eng.)
In the 16th century, Thomas More conceived of Utopia, an imaginary and ideal country which presents his idea of a ‘communist-like’ democracy where private property was abolished, and all things were shared by everyone. His work, published in 1516, has often been considered...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Views of love in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet eng.
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has the “high profile as the love-tragedy everybody knows”. Although it is regarded as the ideal of romantic love there are many other (quite unromantic) views represented in the play, too. In this term paper I will try to give a survey of the different views of love in Romeo and Juliet. First of all there are Romeo and Juliet, the “star-cross’d lovers” (Prologue) who “establish a quality of love, of life intensively lived, that becomes its own value”. Apart from these two main characters and their view of love there are in general five other attitudes towards love: to the servants of the house of Capulet, the Nurse and Mercutio love means nothing else than sex, to Romeo’s friend...Hausarbeit Anglistik: What is Consumer Capitalism
...This quote from Irvine Welsh’s novel Trainspotting summarizes a sarcastic view on contemporary society. It points out to which extent our culture is dominated by consumer capitalism. The repetition of the imperative ‘choose’ emphasizes the irony that lies in life as it is described in Welsh’s novel. The Capitalist system pretends to the consumer, to offer everything he wants to posses or to be, suggesting he would take advantage of absolute freedom. But in the end the consumer finds himself in the prison of commerce and assimilates to a capitalist system that is present in everyday life through certain images. These so-called pop-images are the ones that contemporary art uses to express its perspective on the world. Unlike the era of modernist art, postmodernism art adopts capitalist everyday images and symbols to express a perspective on the world, for example, the Pop Art of Andy Warhol...Hausarbeit Anglistik: William Wordsworts Conception of Poetic Creation and the Motif of Nature in his Personal Poetry eng.
It was recognised by Wordsworth’s major contemporaries that he, whatever objections they might have to some of his opinions and achievements, was “the greatest, most inaugurative, and most representative poet of his time”; and that, as Leigh Hunt put it in 1814, Wordsworth “is the head of a great new age in poetry”. As early as 1800 Coleridge acclaimed Wordsworth as “a greater poet than any since Milton”...Referat Anglistik: English in Newsreporting
The main purpose of a newspaper headline is to catch the reader’s attention. Some devices headline writers use to create an effective headline are: Word choice, Word play, Intertextuality, Sound, Loaded language, Omission of grammatical words, Noun phrases, Class shift. Only to some extent fulfil most headlines the purpose of giving information, they tend to focus on aspects of the event that are of interest to most of the readership. Headlines in many cases also function to manipulate the reader, not only to make him buy the paper but also to form a certain opinion towards the topic of the article in the reader’s mind. Newspapers also create a so-called implied reader, an imaginary reader to whom the text is addressed. The last means a headline uses to attract a reader are the graphological ones, like large print or colouring different from the rest of the text...Referat Anglistik: “Glamour” - Etymology and Literary Usage (eng.)
The word glamour has its origin only just in the 18th century. Its roots can be found in the Scottish language, with the first meaning of magic or spell. Through the next centuries this meaning slightly changed. During the 19th century glamour meant magic beauty. In addition glamour got a different meaning as it stood for an alteration of grammar with the sense of grammarye. For the form with gl-, cf. the medieval Latin (from c. 600 A. D. – c. 1500 A. D.) word glomeria (e.g. in magister glomeriae – title of a former official in the university of Cambridge), the suffix was probably –an. An additional hypothetical etymological form of glamour is the word glomerie for gramarie (=grammar)...Hausarbeit Anglistik: Conceptual Storage in Bilinguals and its Effects on Creativity
The effects of bilingualism on intelligence and, more generally, cognitive abilities in bilinguals have always attracted the attention of scholars. After most people had considered bilingualism an obstacle in cognitive processing, a ‘neutral period’ followed in which bilingualism lost some of its negative connotations. Since the 1960s, however, scholars have been accumulating a vast ...Seminararbeit Anglistik: Fowels conception of femininities in The French Lieutenant's Woman
...In my paper I am going to analyse this point, discussing the questions whether the novel is a feminist one or not, what Sarah, the French lieutenant's woman, stands for and what impact her character has on the course of the novel. In dealing with these main points, other aspects connected with them will also be taken into account...Seminararbeit Anglistik: Strukturanalyse von George Bernard Shaws
George Bernard Shaw wurde 1856 in Irland geboren. Nach einer wilden Jugend kam er 1876 nach London. Mit sich brachte er eine spärliche Ausbildung, einige musikalische Handgriffe und einen überdurchschnittlich großen Drang nach Wissen. Seine Mutter, die die Ehe mit Georges Vater, einem Alkoholiker, für unmöglich hielt, unterrichtete dort Musik und unterstützte damit den ...